Success Story 1: "CASA recently helped a sibling group of four return home successfully. CASA was there for the kids to help the transition to their home which was a quick transition. This was due to the court ordering LCFS be removed and kids returned immediately. There was a gap where this family did not have a caseworker as DCFS was in process of getting the case. CASA visited the home to ensure that all needs were being met. CASA helped to find resources to get gifts for Christmas for the family. Also, CASA gave a list of food banks to the mother and helped this mother get the kids added to her link card. CASA worked with the school and counselor to ensure the kids were coping well with the transition. CASA helped to make sure the mother had all needed documentation to take the kids to the doctor. This case was closed by the court 4 weeks later."
Success Story 2: "In 2018 a CASA volunteer was assigned to a case. One of the girls was 13 and not happy to have another “person” being put into her life. The volunteer spent many hours gaining her trust. Throughout the 5 years the bond became very strong between the CASA and both girls, but the older youth needed her CASA and learned to reach out to her as she desperately wanted to gain her independence from the court when she turned 18. On each visit the CASA would bring her information about GED programs (as she stopped attending school), information on how to interview for jobs, and how to manage finances. The CASA helped tutor her for her GED test and she passed with flying colors. The youth was able to maintain employment while gaining her GED. Once she had that under her belt, she asked for help in getting into the community college. The two would meet at the college and talk with counselors. The youth took tests where she was able to be exempt from certain classes, gaining credits before even attending. At 18 she asked the CASA for help writing a letter in which she would read to the judge asking for her independence. She was giving her independence and the judge recognized the CASA’s efforts in court."
Success Story 3: "This case involves a young boy who has demonstrated behavioral issues. He is living in his third foster placement since entering the foster care system due to his parents’ substance use issues; the first two foster families requested the minor be moved to a new place. He is doing great in his current foster home. The CASA Advocate assigned to the case visits him regularly and follows up with the family every month to ensure the minor is receiving his services. At one point when his services stopped, the Advocate asked why and advocated for them to start again. The CASA also advocated for the minor to be enrolled in a football program, which is something the minor wanted to do. He is doing well on the team, plus, his behavior has improved."
Success Story 4: "We recently had two siblings adopted, which is a victory, but what makes this a great success story is the context. This case lasted nearly 6 years due to multiple hospitalizations, unsuccessful placements, school issues and a plethora of additional disruptions. Through all of this, the two CASA children had the same CASA Advocate who stayed on the case for the entire ordeal. The CASA Advocate has been a volunteer for nearly twenty years and is a true hero!"