LGBTQ Youth and Family Advocacy

A youth-centered LGTBQ responsive approach to victim service delivery can significantly enhance the services and support provided to LGBTQ+ youth who are victims of crime. Participants will learn how a victim/survivor’s intersecting LGBTQ+ or Two Spirit identity may impact their willingness to identify as a victim/survivor and to access support services. Being culturally responsive also requires responders to minimize the barriers youth survivors in the LGBTQ+ community encounter when seeking our services.
As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
• Describe the unique challenges faced by LGBT+ or Two-Spirit individuals, including discrimination, alienation, and health disparities in seeking support services.
• List two advocacy strategies for the inclusion of LGBT+ or Two-Spirit perspectives in families, child welfare, health services, and community activities.
• Identify youth culturally relevant techniques that enhance resiliency in Youth LGTT+ and their families to navigate the services available to them.