Youth and Child Abuse Advocacy

As many youth spend more time behind closed doors, it is often difficult to identify child abuse. Additionally, younger victims may experience multiple forms of victimization and have a difficult time identifying and accessing services. This training will focus on identifying types of violence and discuss the complexities of working with youth who are crime victims, which is sometimes a result of familial child abuse. This training will also focus on safety planning, including cross-systems collaboration to serve some of the most vulnerable victims of crime.
As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
• Recognize the various forms of child abuse, including physical, emotional, neglect, sexual abuse, financial exploitation, and spiritual abuse.
• Develop a safety plan and navigate access to services with elders who may live with or have contact with the person who harms them.
• Apply two strategies to Involve the community in discussions and actions to improve the lives of youth and coordinate services and support across different youth specific agencies.