The Value of Kinship: Supporting New Roles as a Caregiver

“Parenting again,” whether in kinship care or as a grandfamily, the need for this role continues to increase as substance use issues create the need for a non-parent family member to assume responsibility for the safety and care of our children – babies through teens. Kin are placed in positions of grief, concern of the loved one, the child’s trauma, unexpected financial stress, legal issues and fear if the relationship is terminated. A snapshot of family caregivers will be provided from experience in working with kinship and child welfare staff. An understanding how kinship care impacts family structures and identified roles is important if working with intergenerational families. This will be important for the CASA volunteers and their relationship with both the children and the caregivers. Ideas will be offered for working with caregivers, thus helping with creating a safe and rewarding environment for children.