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Messages Matter: Implicit Bias, Personal Mindset and the Child Welfare System

Monday, September 18, 2023
11:30 am12:30 pm

This presentation focuses on Implicit Bias, Personal Mindset and the Child Welfare System. As a participant, you will consider the messages you learned about people and the interacting systems that shaped your internal wiring, and contributed to your decision making around safety, and wellbeing.

Dr. LaFayette Young, Jr., DSW (Training and Inclusion Specialist with Georgia CASA) has dedicated his career to the field of child welfare, serving children and families for nearly 18 years. He obtained a Master of Social Work from Erikson Institute, concentrating on children and families and child development, and is currently a doctoral candidate studying social work at Capella University. In addition, Dr. Young has a passion for social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as trauma-informed racial healing practice and responses. In his spare time, you will find him singing harmonious melodies and joining the Marvel Universe for Justice on the best console there is – PS5!

Our impact this year has changed our community!

  • Children Served in FY23


  • Volunteer Hours in FY23


  • Volunteer Advocates in FY23


  • Number of New Children Served in FY23


Thank you to our generous sponsors:

  • National CASA
    National CASA
  • Illinois DCFS
    Illinois DCFS
  • The Office of Illinois Courts
    The Office of Illinois Courts
  • Illinois Attorney General
    Illinois Attorney General