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Psychiatric Medication and Foster Care: Red Flags

Monday, December 5, 2022
12:00 pm1:30 pm

Multiple studies have concluded that children in foster care are prescribed psychiatric medication at a rate significantly higher than other populations of children. Many of these medications are prescribed off-label, with little proven benefit but significant risk. Compounding the problem, biological parents or legal guardians are frequently pressured to sign consents forms without having ever spoken to the psychiatric provider. Child advocates, attorneys representing parents and children, family court judges, state child welfare leaders, agency child welfare staff and caseworkers can play a vital role in reducing the overuse of medication. This interactive webinar, led by Martin Irwin of the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, will cover the “red flags” that can help attendees recognize situations where the child’s treatment with psychiatric medications may be problematic and / or parents’ objections may be reasonable. Possible solutions will be discussed.

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Thank you to our generous sponsors:

  • National CASA
    National CASA
  • Illinois DCFS
    Illinois DCFS
  • The Office of Illinois Courts
    The Office of Illinois Courts
  • Illinois Attorney General
    Illinois Attorney General