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Developing Youth Resiliency and Life Skills by Enhancing Protective Factors: Part 2 of 6 - Financial Literacy

Tuesday, July 5, 2022
2:00 pm3:00 pm

According to a 2018 survey, many high school students don’t believe their schools have done enough to help them deal with stress (51 percent), understand their emotions (49 percent), and solve disagreements (46 percent), and fewer than half of graduates surveyed feel prepared for life after high school.

Researcher David Yeager and his colleagues argue that it’s important to address teens’ needs and they need to feel competent, autonomous, and valued in their community—if they have a sense of high status and respect, in other words—they’re likely to be more motivated and engaged.

This webinar series will give participants tips and take-aways to share with youth as they prepare to launch to independence. Topics covered include: Financial management, assessing employment opportunities that best fit the individual, youth and teen parents, health care and well-being, and how to manage the legal system wisely. Many more topics will be address to strengthen youth and teen protective factors for a successful life.

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Thank you to our generous sponsors:

  • National CASA
    National CASA
  • Illinois DCFS
    Illinois DCFS
  • The Office of Illinois Courts
    The Office of Illinois Courts
  • Illinois Attorney General
    Illinois Attorney General