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Foster Parent + CASA = Post-Covid 19 Educational Success

Tuesday, September 7, 2021
2:00 pm3:00 pm

The Illinois State Board of Education recognizes the importance of in-person learning for the well-being of students. This webinar will present the current ISBE guidelines for students if remote learning is required due to CDC guidelines while supporting student mental health. Foster parents and CASA collaboration is critical for student success.

Our impact this year has changed our community!

  • Children Served in FY23


  • Volunteer Hours in FY23


  • Volunteer Advocates in FY23


  • Number of New Children Served in FY23


Thank you to our generous sponsors:

  • National CASA
    National CASA
  • Illinois DCFS
    Illinois DCFS
  • The Office of Illinois Courts
    The Office of Illinois Courts
  • Illinois Attorney General
    Illinois Attorney General